Amazonian Apologia

I have done the unthinkable, which is to activate a Goodreads account in order to manage my Authorhood over there, such as it is…. to, you know, exercise some modicum of control over my public image qua “author.” Here, in fact, is my Author Profile. If you are a Goodreads maven, please do, hmm, I have to find out what people do over there… maybe “follow”? I have “followers,” after all, they must’ve “followed” me at some point! Thank you, followers! And you, reading this, I bid you, go forth and follow!

Obviously, I’m doing this in support of Divine In Essence. Go ahead and preorder it. I’ll wait for you. Cool, thanks! On with the post!

I am not a social media guy—I ran screaming from Facebook a decade ago. The closest I got to social media since then was lurking on Reddit and watching YouTube videos. The few occasions when I was tempted to comment or post on Reddit, I was quickly pummeled into submission by the maladjusted troglodytes that so fecundly populate the crevices and crannies of that platform, for which I was GRATEFUL each and every time because it reminded me of my place in life, which is OFF OF SOCIAL MEDIA. Same with YouTube videos: you can develop a nice, uh, normal “parasocial relationship” with a persona who has no idea you even exist, and on those rare occasions when you slip up and leave a comment, you will promptly be put back in your place by the Infinite Armies of Conformity. I’m hoping against hope that this is basically what Goodreads is going to be like… something functional and enjoyable that I can maintain at some kind of emotional distance, and not get jacked in to some horror dystopia like Facebook. If it does turn into that, then I will have to deactivate it, sorry! (Not sorry, as the kids say.)

The other thing I did was to create an Author Page for myself at Amazon itself. (As you may be aware, Amazon owns Goodreads, surprise.) The theory being that if I have control of my identity directly on the mothership, maybe they’ll be less inclined to suppress my books. I think I’ve mentioned already on this blog the various means by which Amazon has fucked over my books, so I won’t go into it, but I’m being STRATEGIC this time around. For one thing, I’m allowing an ebook to be released. I have this suspicion that it was the absence of an ebook edition that doomed my other books in the algorithm. And for another, I’m establishing this Author Page, from which I shall “claim” my books and from this Olympian perch, I will DEMAND to BE SEEN. Something like that.

Currently, the page is displaying only I, No Other, but that’s because I haven’t been “verified” yet. Once the process is complete, I should be able to add the others. But as you can see, I, No Other is readily available from this page. (As opposed to searching for it, which continues to turn up NADA.) That being said, DON’T BUY IT! Miette plans to release a Second Edition, hopefully VERY SOON, which will be far spiffier and superior in every way to the one currently available on Amazon. I mean, if you’re reading this post in the Future, the situation may be different, but for now, if you want to purchase I, No Other, do it from the Whiskey Tit site, and she will treat your order as a preorder for the promised Second Edition.

It appears that Amazon is another place where you can follow me! Go for it, if that’s your thing. Seems like a bit much. I basically ignore all Amazon emails aside from the ones concerned directly with orders I’ve made.